Launch of the Kingston Disability Network

Kingston Bridge

KCIL’s CEO, Jason Lamont attended the launch of Kingston’s Disability Network yesterday (16 November 2023), Jason writes –

It was good to attend the inaugural meeting of the Kingston Disability Network at Fusebox and see so many of our VCS colleagues join together to commit to making this network a success. The network has been established by the RBK Community Engagement team and, most importantly, has managed to secure funding from GLA to employ two staff members who will promote and facilitate the network. Yesterday was the first meeting to make plans for a thriving and inclusive borough, a group that has disabled people at its core, a group that listens to disabled people. The RBK Disability champion – Sue Ansari – was in attendance, along with the Council Leader Andreas Kirsch, who both committed to ensuring that this network would have tangible benefits for disabled people in Kingston in the coming years.

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