KCIL Conference Round Up – Meg Zeenat Wamithi

KCIL Patron Ann Macfarlane and keynote speaker Meg Zeenat Wamithi sit together at the conference

The KCIL Conference Keynote speaker this year was mental health campaigner Meg Zeenat Wamithi. Meg spoke movingly about her experience of mental illness as a teenager and young woman and about how a school teacher made all the difference.

Keynote speaker Meg Zeenat Wamithi talking at the podium
Meg speaking to the conference attendees. On the screen behind her is a photo of herself and her teacher
Meg Zeenat Wamithi speaking to the conference attendees. Behind her on the screen is a photo of Meg with the teacher that made all the difference.

Meg went on to provide some useful tips about how you can share how you’re feeling with others, and the benefits of letting people know how you truely are.

A side profile photo of Meg, with the quote 'When someone asks you, "How are you doing today?", the first thing you say is “Yeah, fine. I'm okay”. And we do that so much that we don't actually have real conversations. Ask someone twice. I challenge you after this, ask that person “How are you doing?”. Because it takes a split second for our busy brains to become present to actually go “You know, I'm not too good today”. Meg Zeenat Wamithi
You can find out more about Meg’s inspiring work through her website and that of her company MindMapper UK, which works to support young people navigate through life’s challenges.
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