KCIL launches new PA/Carer Training Directory

PA Training Course Directory
A screenshot of the PA directory front page, showing the regional and online boxes
Screenshot of the London and South East page showing training courses

Skills for Care funds user-led organisations like KCIL to provide free PA and carer training across England. This year, KCIL is working with Skills for Care to increase awareness of the wide range of courses available across the country. Many PAs and carers will know the courses available through their local user-led organisation. Still, they may not be aware of what is available from their neighbouring organisation or what training is available online that they can also access. So this year, KCIL will be hosting the PA and Carer Training Course Directory. Split into both regional locations and by online training options, if you are a PA or carer (paid or unpaid) and you are interested in the wide range of courses available, the Directory is the place to find them.

The Directory is currently under construction, but we are making it live on our website because a wide range of courses will be available starting this month. For example, if you’re in London or the South East and you’re looking for a Safeguarding training course, there are currently three training courses listed in the London and South East part of the Directory.

KCIL does not currently offer online training, so we’re already excited to have access to the online training part of the Directory, to see what is available from our fellow user led organisations. We already have listed a fantastic range of courses available, including a wide range of courses about challenging behaviour from The Challenging Behaviour Foundation, to a diverse range of online courses from SILC.

The Directory will be regularly updated during this current period of free user-led organisation training funded by Skills for Care, so check the website regularly for new updates!

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