Social Isolation of Physically Disabled Adults

An illustration of a woman with a clipboard talking to a young man who is sitting in a wheelchair
Social isolation poster, text and links replicated in blog post

Healthwatch Kingston working with Kingston Centre for Independent Living would like to hear from adults living with impaired mobility, and their carers/family/friends and advocates.

Healthwatch Kingston want to know what it is like living with impaired mobility in Kingston? Do you feel socially isolated? What is working well? What could services do to meet your needs?

What Healthwatch Kingston learn is shared with those who run local services to help make those services better for those who need them.

Join Healthwatch Kingston at one of their workshops listed below to share your experiences.

Lunch provided for all face to face meetings.

To book onto a workshop, click one of the links below (or scan the QR code on the poster) or call 0203 326 1255.

Friday 24th January, Hook and Chessington library, Hook Road, KT9 1EJ, 11.30am-1.30pm, book here.

Tuesday 28th January, Kingston United Reformed Church, 5 Eden Street, KT1 1HZ, 11.30am-1.30pm, book here.

Thursday 6th February, Zoom Online meeting, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, book here.

Monday 10th February, Searchlight Centre, Kingston Road, New Malden, KT3 3RX, 11.30am – 1.30pm, book here.

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