Travel in Winter

A young person stands by a pelican crossing as a Sutton bus goes by

When travelling independently in the winter, it’s important to check the weather beforehand to make sure you are prepared for your journey. Using travel apps helps you know when your bus or train is coming and whether there will be any changes to your journey. Find out more about some of the things our Sutton Independent Travel Training students learn about in our new video.

[ALT description of video –

Check the weather before you go out – young person checks weather app on their phone.

Be prepared for the weather when you travel – young person puts on coat.

Look both ways before crossing the Zebra crossing – young person looks both ways before crossing the Zebra crossing.

Wait for the green man on the traffic lights before you cross the road – young person waits for the green man before crossing the road.

Find out when your next bus is by using a travel app – young person sits at a bus stop checking a travel app.

Press the bell before your bus stop – young presses the bell on the bus.

Sutton Independent Travel Training logo

Sutton council logo]