KCIL would like to invite Direct Payment users in the borough of Kingston, to the rescheduled Direct Payment Users Online Coffee Morning, 11.00 Wednesday 31 March.
We will be discussing the change from net Direct Payments to gross Direct Payments, which will be happening from June 2021.
A ‘net’ Direct Payment means that RBK deducts your contributions before it is paid to you. A ‘gross’ Direct Payment means that RBK pays the full Direct Payment to you and charges contributions separately.

RBK tells us that their reviews have found that DP holders spend a lot of time working out the remittance advice slips and adjusting contributions into their DP account. If DP holders don’t pay in the correct amount, there is often a shortfall or overpayments that need to be adjusted. RBK will do this for you, resulting in an invoice/deduction for contributions separately so that you do not have to worry about adjusting contributions or the calculations it involves.

Melvyn Narraidoo from Kingston Council will be at the coffee morning to explain more and answer any questions. If you would like to submit your questions in advance, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
You can book a free ticket for this event through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kcil-online-coffee-morning-the-change-from-net-dp-to-gross-dp-tickets-146731053531