London and South East

Surrey Independent Living Charity

Safe Administration of Medication Training

The Safe Administration of Medication training is designed to enable healthcare workers to perform their duties safely and effectively when assisting clients with their medication. In addition to the Medication Awareness, learners will cover:

  • The ‘Rights’ of medication administration
  • Practical assessment of medication administration
    MAR sheets, including Controlled drugs
  • Recording procedures

All online training will take place via Zoom. If you register for a course, the Zoom link will be emailed to prior to the event.

Learning Disability with Dementia Awareness Training

This course explores both Learning Disabilities and Dementia and how Dementia can affect people with Learning Disabilities uniquely. It will look at person centred approaches with Dementia and Learning Disabilities combined.

The course will take place via Zoom and a Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Safe Guarding Adults and Children Level 1 Training

Course Overview:

This course looks at the potential indicators of abuse and fulfilling your duty to pass on any disclosures or allegations as well as the feedback you can expect after making an alert. It covers how to address and immediate safety or protection needs of the alleged person at risk and the recording of the incident.

Course Aims:

  • Personal values and beliefs that underpin safeguarding adults and children
  • Recognising and responding to abuse disclosures and suspicions
  • Establishing a shared understanding of best working practice and offering support
  • Understanding procedures in line with the Care Act when reporting abuse and procedures after an alert
  • All online training will take place via Zoom. If you register for a course, the Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Health and Safety Awareness Training

Course Overview:

This is a half-day session that will aim to provide a more in-depth understanding of Health and Safety in relation to the workplace.

Course Aims:

  • Provide a more in-depth understanding of Health and Safety in relation to the workplace
  • Staff and Managers roles in relation to Health & Safety
  • Fire procedures in Adult Social Care establishments
  • Personal safety and lone working
  • Share information on the importance of accurate and up to date Risk Assessments
  • The course will take place via Zoom. An email with the link will be sent to you prior to the event.

Person Centred Care Training

Course Overview:

Half-day session that will explore the key features of Person-Centred Care.

Course Aims:

  • Review current CQC, NICE and CCA standards for person centred care planning
  • Indicate how personal choice and collaborative working can improve the care planning process
  • Identify how a care plan should be organised and structured including the need to plan for crises and contingencies
  • Signify how a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) approach towards care planning might improve the process
  • Consider the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities Threats (SWOT) of person-centred care planning and from this analysis complete a personal action plan for implementation

All online courses will take place via Zoom. A link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Responding to Behaviours That Challenge Training

Course Overview:

This course is designed to support staff who deal with potentially disruptive and assaultive behaviours. It enables staff to understand what factors may increase or decrease the likelihood of anger and aggression occurring in work settings. It will consider some strategies and good practice in relation to managing potential angry and aggressive situations.

Course Aims:

  • The focus of the course to on preventing incidents of disruption and aggression by:
  • Raising awareness of non-verbal communications and its effects on the anxiety level of an individual
  • Identifying different stages of defensive behaviour
  • Organising staff members thinking about escalating behaviours in crisis situations
  • Helping staff develop strategies to safely and effectively respond to the behaviours being exhibited

All online training will take place via Zoom. If you register for a course, the Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Emergency First Aid at Work - 1 Day Accredited Course

Course Overview:

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This one-day course will help you meet your regulatory requirements if your risk assessment indicates that first aid training covering emergency protocols only, is sufficient for your workplace.

Course Aims:

  • The ability to act safely and effectively when an accident or emergency occurs
  • Treatment and priorities of care for an unconscious patient
  • Recognition and treatment of a person in seizure
  • Recognition of cardiac arrest and delivery of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Use of Defibrillators (AED)
  • The ability to recognise and safely treat a patient who is choking
  • The ability to safely and promptly treat a patient who is bleeding
  • The ability to treat a patient safely and promptly with burns
  • Other minor injuries
  • The keeping records following an accident at work.

Dementia Awareness Training

Course Overview:

This course will explore what we mean when we say someone has dementia. The course will challenge you to think more about how we can best care for and support people with dementia.

Course Aims:

  • What do we mean by ‘dementia’ and most common causes of dementia
  • The individuality of the experience of dementia
  • Understanding behaviour and emotional distress
  • Cultural difference in dementia & communicating with people with dementia

The course will take place via Zoom and a Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Diabetes Awareness Training

Course Overview:

This course explores ‘What is diabetes’ and the basic anatomy and physiology of what happens to cause diabetes.

Course Aims:

  • What is diabetes
  • Types of diabetes
  • Common indicators of diabetes
  • Treatment of diabetes

The course will take place via Zoom and a Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Assisted Eating and Drinking Training

Course Overview:

It is important that everybody who works in the care environment recognises the signs of potential eating and drinking difficulties and is able to support service users to eat and drink. This course combines both theory and practical sessions to equip those who work in care settings with this knowledge.

Course Aims:

  • Define Dysphagia
  • Identify the main parts of the human mouth and pharynx
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of aspiration
  • Know when to refer a service user
  • Recognise good positions at mealtimes
  • Experience food textures and being fed in different positions
  • Management responsibilities

The course will take place via Zoom. An email with the Zoom link will be sent prior to the event.

Autism Awareness Training

Course Overview:

This course explores Autism and the current body of thinking and knowledge about Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Course Aims:

  • How ASD is displayed and why
  • Explore the range of abilities found within ASD
  • Provide information, practical strategies and promote a positive understanding to enable people to work more effectively with people with ASD.

The course will take place via Zoom and an email with the Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the event.

The Mental Capacity Act (Level 1) Training

Course Overview:

This session will provide you with a working knowledge of the existing legal framework for protecting adults.

Course Aims:

  • What is the Mental Capacity Act & why do we need it?
  • The Five Key Principles (What is it founded upon)
  • Triggers & how to assess capacity & what happens if capacity is lacking?
  • Best Interests & Acting Lawfully
  • Restraint & Liberty Protection Safeguards
  • How it links into Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court Appointed Deputies, Advanced Decisions, Court of Protection & The Office of the Public Guardian
  • New criminal offences of ill-treatment & willful neglect

The course will take place via Zoom and an email with the link will be sent to you prior to the event.

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Positive Behaviour Support

This is a two-part workshop set about Positive Behaviour Support. The workshops facilitate partnership working, to enable staff and families to work together to identify appropriate individualised behaviour support strategies that can be used consistently in all settings.

Communication and Challenging Behaviour

This practical workshop is an introduction to the links between communication and behaviour. This workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to understand how to improve communication with individuals with severe learning disabilities and in turn improve their quality of life, choice and behaviour. 

Pica Behaviour (eating inedible objects)

The CBF’s Pica Awareness workshop is specifically designed for professionals, support staff and family carers who are supporting children, young people or adults who have severe learning disabilities and display Pica behaviour (eating inedible objects) and/or polydipsia (drinking fluids).

Whole Family Approaches

Our whole family approaches workshop is developed for professionals who would value the opportunity to engage in a reflective and practical course to improve practice around family centred approaches. Participants have the opportunity to explore how embedding family-centred approaches enhances a strengths-based approach to collaborative working with families. 

Trauma Awareness – understanding and responding to family trauma

The workshop facilitates professionals’ understanding on the experiences of families navigating health, social care and education systems and the layers of trauma they experience throughout this. It explores the factors that contribute to traumatic experiences and encourages professionals to reflect on how their service can prevent or mitigate any further trauma to families. 

Kingston Centre for Independent Living

Manual Handling

Enhance your caregiving skills with our in-person Manual Handling training course, designed specifically for PAs and carers. Learn safe and effective techniques to  move individuals, reducing the risk of injury for both you and those in your care. Join us to ensure a safer, more confident approach to manual handling tasks.


Dignity and Privacy Training

The course will start by defining dignity and privacy within the healthcare sector, and will explain how the two are quite often linked. It will then go on to give you a range of useful professional tips about setting up the right working relationship with your clients, and discuss some of the issues that can arise when dignity and privacy are not respected. This is an online self-paced course. You will recieve an invite for this course via email.

Learning Disability Awareness Training

This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people. It will touch on how a person centred approach to care will get the best results and look at how best to work with someone with a learning disability. I will also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities and much more. This is an online self-paced course. You will recieve an invite for this course via email.

Mental Health Awareness Training

This course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions. As well as providing some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions. This is an online self-paced course. You will recieve an invite for this course via email.



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