Access Audits
Kingston Centre for Independent Living expands their Accessibility services to help local businesses become more inclusive
There are more than 14.1 million disabled people in the UK, a staggering 21% of the population, but despite this high figure more than 75% of disabled people have had to turn away from UK Businesses due to substandard accessibility and poor customer service. This means that millions of people across the country, with an estimated spending power worth £249 billion to UK Business are not being given the opportunities and customer service they deserve. And it’s UK businesses including hospitality, leisure and tourism that are missing out because of it.
But it doesn’t have to be that way; KCIL has the professional accessibility experience and lived disability experience to make your organisation more accessible and inclusive through our Access Services, awareness training, and workshops. We want to work with local businesses, help them to improve accessibility across all sectors in Kingston and promote our local “Access Champions”.
To find out more, email [email protected] or call us on 0208 546 9603

To learn more please view our recent Access services session which will help explain the issues.