Latest News
A big KCIL thank you to Malden Golf Club
A massive thank you to everyone at Malden Golf Club who raised £5,700 in aid of KCIL’s work supporting disabled people in the local community.
Upcoming Sutton ITT workshops
The Sutton ITT team will visit two schools over the next two weeks. Workshops will be open to parents, carers, and students at the schools,
Have Your Say About Local SEND Therapy Services
Achieving for Children wants to improve therapy services for children in the local area, especially for speech and language, and occupational therapy. As more children
New venue for KCIL’s free Manual Handling training
Earlier this month, we held our first Manual Handling training session at our new venue in New Malden. The new venue gave our trainer and
These days, many jobs come with an EAP package (employee assistance programme). These are usually a telephone advice line for mental health support and can
ITT Case Study
KCIL recently celebrated another student completing Independent Travel Training. The student’s journey to college involved catching a bus followed by a train. We marked the