Our Trustees

Ann Macfarlane OBE
A leading Disability Independent Living and Equalities Consultant, focusing on health and social care as it affects disabled citizens.
Read more about Ann here.

Monica Quinton
“I strongly believe that it is important that people with disabilities do not lose their voice & independence; especially those with long term disabilities. I hope to be able to support people in the local community.”

Patricia Bamford
Trisha worked in the voluntary sector in Kingston for several years as a project worker for volunteers with learning disabilities and mental health issues. She has also represented residents on all sorts of issues in her role as a councillor for RBK for the last eighteen years.

Kezia Coleman
Kezia has worked for the sight loss charity Thomas Pocklington Trust, for 5 years, campaigning alongside blind and partially sighted people for better access, inclusion and services. She became a KCIL trustee in order to support the fantastic work they do for people with disabilities in Kingston

Karen Penny

Batcho Notay
Batcho helps with many of KCIL’s trips. Here she is, on the right, with KCIL members in Kew Gardens.

Lawrie Lee
Lawrie is the longest serving member of KCIL’s Board of Trustees and was our Treasurer for many years. He is now Acting Treasurer again whilst we recruit a new financial Trustee.
He is a qualified Chartered Accountant; lives in Berkshire; was Bursar at the local Hinchley Wood School; currently Chairs the Governing Board of a special school in Sussex for children with cerebral palsy; and a long time ago was deputy leader of Kingston Council.