Personal Budgets Pathway

Part two: Evidence based decision making

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Icons representing the steps of the pathway

Personal Budget Support Plan

The Personal Budget Support Plan (Section J) is sent to EHCP Coordinators to add for Panel discussion. Any supporting documents, such as agreement from placement, case studies, reports, and provider quotes will be included.

KCIL SEND Support Team will identify requests that are out of scope for personal budgets and provide relevant guidance to the local authority and families.

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Panel invitation and attendance

EHCP Coordinators will invite KCIL SEND Support Team to support with the personal budget discussions during the SEND Multidisciplinary Panel.

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The Multidisciplinary SEND Panel can agree or decline the personal budget request. It can also ask for further information to be provided.

Once the outcome is ratified and officially confirmed, it will be shared with the young person and their family by EHCP Coordinator. 

If the personal budget is agreed KCIL SEND Support Team will prepare the paperwork for next steps in setting up the payment. 

If more information is requested by the panel, KCIL SEND Support Team and the family will work together to provide this. 

Icons representing the steps of the pathway

Direct Payment Agreement

The Direct Payment Agreement is drafted and signed.

This is the contract between the Local Authority / AfC and the parents. It details the terms and conditions, obligations, payment schedules and responsibilities of all parties.

A sample of the Personal Budget Direct Payment agreement can be found here Personal Budget Direct Payment Agreement sample

Icons representing the steps of the pathway

Signed by all

The agreement is signed by the family, for the LA by an AfC SEND Team Manager and KCIL SEND Support Team. 

EHCP Coordinators to ensure that all parties receive a signed copy. 

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