
Natasha Veeren

Direct Payments & SEND Caseworker

[email protected]

I have over 13 years experience in the healthcare industry,  including managing and deputy managing withing residential homes and private health care clinics. Since the start of my career I have always worked alongside and supported SEND children and adults varying across a wide spectrum of needs . My main mission has always been to improve quality of life whilst supporting the individual’s independence and respecting individual needs.
Working at KCIL I lead on education personal budgets for SEND children who require EOTAS packages or have other education needs. I support the child and families through the personal budget process to ensure education needs are met. 

Lauren Cullinane

Independent Living Advisor

[email protected]

I have worked as an Independent Living Advisor at KCIL since September 2023.  I support parents and carers with the AfC short breaks Direct Payments service, guiding them through the process from the beginning.  I support with the required paperwork including payroll set up, insurance, PAYE and self employment advice and timesheets.  I then remain as a contact for the family if they have any queries regarding their Direct Payments.
I am currently training to support families with education personal budgets.

Maria Keskes

Direct Payment and SEND Advisor

[email protected]

I have worked at KCIL as a Direct Payment Team member for the past 15 years. My roles have changed over time. I enjoy being a part of the Direct Payment Team helping those in need. My job gives me a huge sense of achievement knowing that I can potentially make a positive change to someone’s life. I currently work as Direct Payment and SEN advisor. I support families with setting up a Personal Health Budget for children on Continuing Health Care. I also work closely with Achieving for Children supporting families who are in receipt of Direct Payments for respite. I have a wide knowledge about DP and all DP related issues so please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any support.

Kirsty Montgomery

Kirsty Montgomery

Monitoring Officer

[email protected]

Before working for KCIL I worked for a housing charity for a number of years. I have always been interested in helping people get the help and support that they need.

I have been in my role at KCIL for nearly three years during which I have taken maternity leave to have my daughter who has a congenital hearing impediment so I have a personal interest in helping disabled people live as independently as possible as she may well need extra support as she grows up.

I am the monitoring officer, it is my job to ask those in receipt of direct payments for their bank statements and any invoices that show they are in receipt of the funds and that they are being used as agreed. I work closely with other members of our team so that we can identify any issues and they can be dealt with in a timely manner.

To contact the team, please ring 020 8546 9603 or email [email protected]

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