Recruiting a PA

KCIL can support you to find a PA/carer.
Preparing a job advert
KCIL can help you think about when you would like the PA to work and what you would like the PA to do. We ask a series of questions that help us put together a job advert. We then check that you are happy with the advert before placing the advert on the job sites where we advertise.
You can find examples of our current job adverts here.
Placing the job advert
KCIL advertises PA jobs on our website and at local recruitment events. We sometimes (depending on requirements) advertise elsewhere, such as Indeed and Handshake.
Receiving applications
KCIL will receive the applications and pass on those that match your requirements.
When you have decided which potential PA(s) you would like to interview, you can choose to interview the PA(s) by yourself, or you can opt for an interview supported by KCIL. The interview can take place in your home, the KCIL office, or a location such as a quiet coffee shop or library.