Personal Budgets Pathway
Part one: Referral, advice and preparation

Families can request that their EHCP Coordinator makes a referral to KCIL SEND Support Team.
On the KCIL referral form EHCP Coordinators are asked to add as much detail as possible, including the current draft of the EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan). The provision requested or hours of support to be considered for a personal budget need to be highlighted from section F with an indicative budget.

Consent form
This is important for GPDR and it provides transparency for families and accurate communication between KCIL (Kingston Centre for Independent Living), AfC (Achieving for Children), Schools and other stakeholders. It also means families can access KCIL’s community and a range of support.
A sample of this consent form can be found here Consent form – SEND Brokerage 2022.

Contact and advice
KCIL SEND Support Team will make contact with families to explain KCIL’s role in providing expert advice on personal budgets and direct payments as well as what can and cannot be considered for a personal budget and the process.
Families are informed that KCIL are not the decision makers and the local authority can decline personal budget based on the evidence presented and the guidance in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
KCIL do not hold any funds. We are a not-for-profit organisation who are facilitating independent living and individual choice.

Personal Budget Support Plan
A Personal Budget Support Plan (Section J) is drafted and co-produced with CYP (Children and Young People) and family. Providers of the agreed provision such as therapist, tutors or personal assistants are explored and costed.
This research and the Personal Budget Support Plan supports a structured discussion and an evidence-based decision making at panel.