Cindy Albright
“If not for KCIL I wouldn’t have got anywhere, I wouldn’t have known what to do. People treat you very badly, some of the others. But with KCIL you went on picnics, you went here, you went there. I love our meetings.”

Cindy Albright became disabled aged 29 and, disheartened by the home care she was receiving, became involved with Kingston Centre for Independent Living. She credits the Independent Living Scheme for saving her life and giving her back her ability to live her life as she wants.
Full interview
Surname: Albright
Given name: Cindy
Date of birth: 1938
Place of birth: United States
Date of interview: 5th June 2017
Length of interview: 00:47:00
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh