Sophie Ugle
“Rachel needs to be stimulated and be active, to feel cared for. And the only way you can achieve that with somebody that’s non-verbal is by one-to-one engagement with intensive interaction, and we need far more skilled practitioners going that.”

Sophie Ugle is the mother of three children, including Rachel, who has profound learning disabilities. Wanting to return to work and finding the childcare provision for disabled children to be severely lacking in Kingston, Sophie has worked tirelessly to campaign for better services. She co-founded the Kingston Special Needs Group and has won awards for her efforts to improve the lives of other parents with disabled children.
Full interview
Surname: Ugle
Given name: Sophie
Date of birth: 1960
Place of birth: St John’s Wood, London
Date of interview: 12 July 2017
Length of interview: 01:27:08
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh
© Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, courtesy of Sophie Ugle