Samantha Kelly
“The only way we’re going to move forward is by making sure we respect and listen to our colleagues, but most of all that we respect and listen to the people that we’re giving services to.”

Sam Kelly joined Kingston Council as a home care assistant in 1986. She witnessed the changes made to disabled people’s lives by the Independent Living Scheme, and worked closely with colleagues to support service users across the Borough. Sam continues to work for Kingston Council and has recently helped initiative new schemes, including Telecare.
Full interview
Surname: Kelly
Given name: Samantha
Date of birth: 1967
Place of birth: Lambeth, London
Date of interview: 24 May 2017
Length of interview: 01:01:04
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Callistus Dywili, Zoe Perry, Jen Kavanagh
© Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, courtesy of Sam Kelly