Phil Levick
“It was such a good thing to do, and it was the right thing to do. I think a lot of good things have stemmed from it.”

Phil Levick was working for Kingston Council’s Disability Team when Jane Campbell and Ann Macfarlane proposed their independent living scheme. Phil was seconded to Kingston Association for Disabled People, as KCIL was called at the time, to help support the piloting of the scheme. Phil has recently returned to work for KCIL and remains passionate about the positive impact the scheme has had on the disabled community.
Photograph: ©Hydar Dewachi
Full interview
Surname: Levick
Given name: Philip George
Date of birth: 10 November 1953
Place of birth: Haringey, London
Date of interview: 11 May 2017
Length of interview: 00:51:32
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Callistus Dywili, Ijeoma Aniyeloye, Jen Kavanagh
© Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, courtesy of Phil Levick