Renny Wodynska
“I knew as soon as I met them, they were women who made it happen. They had a clear vision of where they wanted to get to.”

Renny Wodynska was working for Kingston Council when Ann Macfarlane and Jane Campbell approached them with their idea for the independent living scheme. A social worker by profession, Renny was excited by what was being proposed and wanted to support them to make it a reality. Renny continues to work in the care profession, and reflects on her days in Kingston as the best of her career.
Full interview
Surname: Wodynska
Given name: Renny
Date of birth: 1958
Place of birth: Birmingham
Date of interview: 21 June 2017
Length of interview: 00:51:47
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh
© Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, courtesy of Renny Wodynska