Jane Young
“I would like to see a society that values everyone, including disabled people, therefore supporting disabled people as an investment rather than a drain.”

Jane Young was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis in 1995. The mother of two young children, she became an active voice for disabled parents and campaigned for better support for disabled people to fulfil their parenting role. In 2003 she joined Kingston Council as their first Disability, Equality and Access Officer, and remained in post until her retirement in 2009. Today Jane continues her work in the sector as a disabled member of the Social Security Tribunal in Kent, where she now lives, and is a member of Baroness Jane Campbell’s Independent Living Strategy Group.
Full interview
Surname: Young
Given name: Jane Sarah
Date of birth: 1960
Place of birth: Twickenham, London
Date of interview: 7 June 2017
Length of interview: 01:18:44
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh
© Jane Young