Kay Trujillo
“Without it, I don’t know what I would have done. It’s been a godsend, it really has. When you’re an independent person and you want to do your own thing, obviously you want to lead as normal a life as possible.”

Kay Trujillo has been disabled since birth with cerebral palsy. Determined to work full time, and fed up with the home care she was receiving, Kay became one of the early recipients of direct payments through the independent living scheme. Kay has never let her disability get in the way of her passions, including travel and rock and roll.
Full interview
Surname: Trujillo
Given name: Kay Helen
Date of birth: 1942
Place of birth: Southwark, London
Date of interview: 30 May 2017
Length of interview: 01:04:05
Number of tracks: 1
Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh
© Kay Trujillo