Jane Lawrence

“Trying to make a difference in the Borough. I’ve never been frightened of talking to whoever it may be and putting my point across and saying ‘what can you do to help?’.”

Jane Lawrence

Jane Lawrence joined the Independent Living Scheme in 1993. Jane worked tirelessly for disability rights, both within Kingston and nationwide, having been the Chair for both Kingston Centre for Independent Living as well as the Disabled Drivers’ Association. She lobbied to Parliament and remained an active member of the disabled community until she sadly passed away in November 2017. We are honoured to have interviewed Jane and to have her stories captured.


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Full interview

Surname: Lawrence 

Given name: Jane

Date of birth: 1944

Place of birth: Ripon, North Yorkshire

Date of interview: 13 June 2017

Length of interview: 01:01:29

Number of tracks: 1

Name of interviewer(s): Jen Kavanagh

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© Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, courtesy of Jane Lawrence